Deactivate, Archive, Anonymize & Delete members


When a member is deactivated, they can no longer log into the app. This can be relevant if, i.e., the member is away on a long leave but will return.

To deactivate a member, go to Admin ➑️ Members ➑️ Members. Search for the member you need to inactive, click the "Action" button, and then click "Edit."

Scroll down until you see the "Active" button. If it is blue, it means the member is active and has access to the app. When clicking the active button, it goes white, which means the member no longer has access to the app.

After making the user inactive, remember to click "Update."

Archive a member

Remove access. Keep the member and their contributions, but exclude them from analytics. Member can be restored.

Once the member has been archived, it will be "moved" to the folder Archived members.

This option is not enabled by default. If you need this option active, please contact us via

To restore the member, just go to the folder Archived members and click on actions, and restore.

Anonymize a member 

Remove access. Keep their contributions but anonymized. Member CAN'T be restored.

When anonymized, the member will not be found anymore in the system. Its contributions, such as comments on Social Feed, answers to Missions, etc. will be kept and also counted for the Analytics.

Delete a member

Remove access. Fully delete the member and their contributions. Member CAN'T be restored.

When deleted, a member will be completely removed from the statistics (Analytics) and all contributions will be removed as well. This means Social Feed comments, likes, Mission progress, etc. will be deleted.

This option is not enabled by default. If you need this option active, please contact us via

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