Create News

News is just like the News from your daily newspaper; it should be quick to read and - unlike Wiki pages - only relevant for a brief period of time. In the app, News is prioritized based on the latest; so the team always has the latest News at the top of their feed. When creating News, the members with the selected locations and professions will receive a notification. 

Go to News -> News -> "Create new," and follow the steps:

Category: Choose a category for the News. It is possible to choose from:

  • Announcement
  • Products
  • Vote
  • Marketing
  • Event

It is possible to edit and create personalized categories. Click here to learn more.

Public: The date from which the News will be visible. 

Archive: The date when the News should be achieved.

Headline: The headline of the News.

Description: Can include text and embedded videos, images, and gifs.

Link: Insert the link(s) and write the text to be shown instead of the URL.

Location: Select which locations should get the News.

Professions: Add which professions should see the News.

Media: Add media for the News.

Attachments: Add files or other attachments to the News.

Create. Remember to click "Create" - The News will be posted to members at the selected publish date.

* symbol appearing after creating News:

We are aware a double * symbol appears sometimes when adding highlighting attributes to the text. This will will be permanently fix with the implementation of a new editor integrated in our platform.

Here are some advices to avoid the star **symbol showing up when editing text as a temporary fix:

  • Try to add highlighting attributes (bold, italic) after typing all the text (or copying the text from an external source).
  • Please try not to use * and _ symbols when you edit the text contents. (like **foo, _bar*).
  • Don't include the space when you add the highlight attributes (bold, italic). Do as the first image when selecting the text and try to avoid selecting the spaces next to it (second image):

image (1).png

Note: Custom professions can't create News. If you have a member who needs to create News, make sure that his profession is one of the system professions.

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