KPI Integration

This article is for the tech lead handling the integration between the organization’s system and Atobi.

Setting up a Connection


Our API layer uses OAuth 2.0 standards. For third-party vendors, we generate a “client secret” token, which is then used to authorize and approve requests from the vendor platform.

This client secret is generated for the testing environment and production environment separately (we provide this client secret upon integration agreement).

The client secret is then used to get the access token, which is used in every request for that session.

Getting the Access Token

To get the access token, you must send a POST request to https://{{client_name}} with this request body:

Key Value
Content-Type application/x-www-urlencodedBody
Key Value Description
grant-type client_credentials Required field
client_id {{client_id}} Provided by Atobi, unique
per environment.
client_secret {{client_secret}} Provided by Atobi, unique 
per environment.
scope {{scope}} Optional field.
IMPORTANT: The server response will return the access token.

Sending KPI Data (NumberType Data Example)

Now when we have the access token, we are ready to send KPI data to the platform. To do so, we have to create a POST request in JSON format to https://{{client_name}}{{api_version}}/kpi:

Key Value
Authorization Bearer {{access_token}}
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
IMPORTANT: all of the dates and timestamps in your data must be provided in DATETIME format and must be provided in Unix Epoch time. KPI filtering in the application depends highly on Unix Epoch time.

  "type": "{{unique_integration_identifier}}",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "context": "sales",
  "data": [
      "user_id": "123",
      "location_id": "321",
      "elements": [
          "id": 1,
          "kpi": "device_sales",
          "object_type": "number",
          "value": "100",
          "units": "Devices sold",
          "timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23"
          "id": 2,
          "kpi": "bonuses",
          "object_type": "number",
          "value": "150.00",
          "units": "Bonus earned",
          "timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23"
      "user_id": "89",
      "elements": [
          "id": 3,
          "kpi": "points",
          "object_type": "number",
          "value": "100",
          "units": "Points",
          "timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23"
          "id": 4,
          "kpi": "profit",
          "object_type": "number",
          "value": "250.00",
          "units": "Eur",
          "timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23"
      "location_id": "3",
      "elements": [
          "id": 5,
          "kpi": "points",
          "object_type": "number",
          "value": "100",
          "units": "Points",
          "timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23"
          "id": 6,
          "kpi": "experience",
          "object_type": "number",
          "value": "150.00",
          "units": "Experience",
          "timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23", 
          "date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23"

IMPORTANT: The request body must be in valid JSON.
IMPORTANT: See the Number type section for column breakdown.
Field “Type” (Mandatory)

This field is used for specific platform integration distinctions.

Field “Version” (Mandatory)

This field is used to version the integration for backward compatibility.

Field “Context” (Mandatory)

This field is used to define the context, which helps to group related KPI data. Each unique KPI should have a unique context name.

Fields “User_id” and “Location_id"

We connect sales data through users or locations (departments/shops/countries/etc.). When sending the KPI data, it is mandatory to provide user_id or location_id (you can provide both if it applies).

Field “Data” (Mandatory)

This field is required, but the contents are platform and context-dependent. The object format inside data is described when a specific “object_type” is in use. See the “Supported types” section for more information.

Data Received (“ACK”)

If data transfer was successful - the server response code should be 2XX with status in JSON body.

Data Not Received

If the server response code is not in the 2XX category - you should mark transfer as unsuccessful.

API Throttling

We have a limit of 180 requests/1 minutes by default. This can be adjusted.

Document Variables

Variable Type Description
{{client_id}} string Unique ID provided by Atobi.
{{client_secret}} string Unique secret token provided by Atobi.
{{scope}} string Scope descriptor (optional).
{{client_name}} string Unique client name.
{{access_token}} string Access token, which is generated with client secret.
{{api_version}} string API version (for backward compatibility).
{{unique_integration_identifier}} string Specific integration identifier. This is provided by Atobi.

Supported Types

Number Type

Defines that the provided value is a number.

Supported Number Formats
  • integer
  • float
  • real
  • double
{	"id": 1,
	"kpi": "points",
	"object_type": "number",
	"value": "100",
	"units": "Points",
	"timestamp": "2019-09-10 13:09:23",
	"date_from": "2019-09-10 13:09:23",
	"date_to": "2019-09-10 13:09:23",
Object Breakdown
Key Required Description
id true Internal object ID provided from the platform.
kpi true KPI identifier used for grouping.
object_type true Specifies the type of information.
value true The actual value for the KPI, object type, will cast the value to a specific format.
units optional Custom field for the units used alongside the value, for example: %, Eur, Points, etc.
timestamp true Date format: "Y-m-d H:i:s"
(must be UNIX time)
data_from optional Date format: "Y-m-d H:i:s"
(must be UNIX time)
data_to optional Date format: "Y-m-d H:i:s"
(must be UNIX time)
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