Atobi - Before and After

From Modules to Channels 

Our previous News, Missions, Visual Guides, and Wiki modules have evolved into Channels. This means that now you can have almost everything organized in one place.

Click here to learn more about Channels. 

Articles are a foundation that offers all the same features and benefits of the modules - and much more. An Article is any content you are building and publishing in your organization. It is composed of a set of building blocks that gives you the flexibility to create what you need.

The main benefit is that it empowers you to gather much deeper and more details insights out of your stores, so you get more transparency.

From Notifications to Home  (Coming soon...!)

Rather than a simple list of notifications, a summary page with all the relevant information to access as soon as you open Atobi. Keep yourself up to date!

From Wiki to Articles 

Wiki was one of our modules that has now transformed into Articles.

So now, your old wiki pages can be turned into articles you can organize in channels. And instead of child pages, you can link articles together.

Click here to learn more about Articles. 

From News to Articles 

News has been transformed into Articles! You can make them as personalized as you want by adding images, videos, gifs, or PDF’s, and you can organize them in channels. As something new, you can also add actions (such as task) with deadlines - so you can follow up on progress.

Click here to learn more about Tasks and here for Articles. 

From Missions to Articles 

Missions are now Articles, and you have all the flexibility you need, so you can keep training your staff by using tasks, quizzes, and media tasks. And you can combine it with all the images, videos, documents, and text you need!

Click here to learn more about Tasks and here for Articles. 

From Visual Guides to Articles

Visual Guides also evolved into Articles. By combining pdfs and media tasks, you can share your VM guidelines and, for example, request staff to share pictures of how they followed the guide. 

Click here to learn more about Articles. 

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