Use Case: Cash Up Process (Store Closing Checklist)


The Cash-Up process is essential for reconciling sales and payments at the end of each day to ensure accuracy in the cash register. Following a systematic approach to cash counting and payment reconciliation, you help safeguard your business from discrepancies, theft, or errors.

Completing a Cash-Up provides a clear record of all transactions, ensuring that any issues—such as wrong change or cash theft—can be easily traced. This guide will walk you through the key steps to setting up a daily recurring Cash-Up checklist for your stores.

Creating the article

  1. Create a new article. Add a relevant cover image and a short introduction to the article. For more information on creating articles, read here.
  2. Add a Money block with this title and description:
    1. Title: "Amount Expected"
    2. Description: "What is the value of payments of the POS transactions made since the last Cash Up was completed?"
    3. Settings: Private, Mandatory, Required completion by one member.
  3. Add another Money block with these:
    1. Title: "Amount Counted"
    2. Description: "Count all the cash in your register. What is the total amount counted?"
    3. Settings: Private, Mandatory, Required completion by one member.
  4. Add an Open Question block with these:
    1. Title: "Additional comments (optional)"
    2. Description: "If you have any additional comments for the cash up, such as explanations or errors, let's know below."
    3. Settings: Private, Optional, Required completion by one member.
  5. Add categories to all of the above actions. We suggest that you create and add a category called "Cash-up". Notice: Categories can only be created by Owners. The reason we're adding a category is to make it easier to export all the answers later. Read more about Categories.

💡 Tips:

  • We're making the action answers Private. This means that only article creators, collaborators, and people with Advanced Dashboard permissions can see the answers.
  • We're using the setting Mandatory for actions that are mandatory to complete. We use Optional when members are not required to complete the action.
  • With "Required completion by One member per location", only one staff member has to complete it per store.

Publishing the article

To maintain consistency, this checklist should be completed every day at the end of your store's operating hours. By setting the checklist as a recurring task, you can ensure that the process is completed without missing any crucial steps.

  1. Click on 'Publish'
  2. Add the relevant Channel.
  3. Add the audience of members who should complete this, such as "All store staff". Read more about Audiences.
  4. In the Summary, you can set a recurring schedule for all actions in the article. In the Recurring Actions section, click "Edit". Then select which days it should recur. This should the days your stores are open. Read more about Recurring actions.
  5. Click save and publish.

Following-up on answers

As you start getting answers from your store staff, you can follow up and check the answers in two ways:

Option 1: Action Answers

If you just need a quick way to look into a couple of answers, you can check the Insights page of your article.

  1. Go to Article Studio and find your article.
  2. Open it and go to Insights.
  3. Click on Answers.
  4. Here, you'll find the answers for your actions. You can use the filters to filter on locations and professions.

Option 2: Compliance Dashboard

If you want to export the answers and import them into a BI-tool or share an Excel file, you can do it like this:

  1. Go to Dashboards.
  2. From the Choose Dashboards list, pick Compliance.
  3. Filter by the category you added to the actions, e.g. "Cash-up".
  4. From the Article Status table, you can dive down to individual answers or export all the answers as a csv or Excel file. You can also add additional filters, such as time range, locations, and more.

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