Atobi Connect - How to forward articles

πŸ“Œ Notice: Atobi Connect features (such as receiving and forwarding articles to external teams) are a permission that can be granted in the admin.

Once you have created your article (click here to know more) and you want to share it with teams outside your environment, all you have to do is use our Forward ⏩ feature:

  1. Find the "Forward" button in the dropdown menu next to "Publish".
  2. Click on β€œForward” and select from the list of teams you are connected with.
  3. You have the option to add a message together with the article you are forwarding πŸ’¬
    1. For example, you can give a suggestion for the publish date or target audience (click here to know more)

🦝 Curious to know what it looks like when someone has received your content? Click here

Are you looking to connect with a team that isn’t on your list? Contact πŸ“§ Atobi Support !

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