Channels Studio

Channels are like folders for organizing published articles based on theme or topic. The goal is to make it easy for your audiences to find and engage in your published content.

Note: You need Channels Studio permissions to create, update and delete channels. These can be granted from admin.

Creating a Channel

  1. From the sidebar, click on Channels Studio.

  1. Click on "+ New Channel" at the top.
  2. Pick your Channel type:
    1. Board Channels are for editors to publish campaign roll-outs, training, and more. It gives editor a big toolbox of making content with tasks, deadlines, recurring actions, and much more. Use Board Channels for result-oriented, top-down content. Only members with Article Studio access can publish articles to Board Channels. You can define the sorting of Board Channels.
    2. Feed Channels are for everyone to share inspiration and celebrate achievements and ideas. Members can share images and videos. When creating the Feed, you can define who is allowed to post and react to posts. Feed channels are always sorted by the latest post.
  3. Add Channel Cover Image.
  4. Pick Channel Icon (Optional).
    1. Select an icon that best represents your channel’s purpose. This customization helps members easily identify and differentiate channels at a glance. If no custom icon is selected, a default icon will be used based on the channel type.
  5. Add Channel title (max 40 characters).
    1. Pro tip: if your organization is spread across multiple countries and covers multiple languages, you can translate the name of each channel into the local language.
  6. If you're creating a Board Channel, you now have the option to define how the articles within the channel are sorted by default. This gives you greater control over how your content is presented to members. You can choose from the following sorting options:
    1. Publish Date: Sorts articles by the date they were published, with the newest article at the top. This is adviced for news and announcements channels.
    2. Update Date: Sorts articles by the date they were last updated, showing the most recently updated articles first.
    3. Title: Sorts articles alphabetically by title, useful if you want a specific order or structure (e.g., using numbered or titled naming conventions like "1. Intro", "2. Onboarding", etc.). This is adviced for channels where you want to have a static order of articles.
    4. Deadline: Sorts articles based on the nearest upcoming deadline , which is particularly useful for time-sensitive content like campaigns or product updates. This is adviced for channels about campaign roll-outs, price changes, product recalls, and other use cases where the deadline is critical.
    5. Progress: Organizes articles based on their progress (e.g., In Progress, Not Started, Completed). This is ideal for tracking training or project completion.

  1. If you're creating a Feed Channel you can now pick who has access to the Feed and if they're allowed to create posts or only comment and react to posts. You do this by:
    1. Create a Group, give a name to it and add Audiences to the group. This defines who has access to the Feed. You can create a group for each country, a group for store managers or area managers etc.
    2. Select whether each audience is Creators (can post) or Viewers (can only comment/react).
    3. You can create multiple groups within a feed. Group members can only create and view posts within their group. If members belong to multiple groups, they can select which group they want to post to.

  1. Notifications, yes or no? It’s up to you to decide if new posts/articles in a channel should trigger push notifications.
  2. Review and Create the channel.
  3. Et-voilà! Your channel is ready and can now be used by others.

Tip: The order of channels in Channels Studio is reflected in the live channel menu. We recommend placing the most important channels at the top of the list.

Pinning Channels to Bottom Navigation (Mobile)

You can pin a channel to the bottom navigation bar as a shortcut. This is especially useful for high-priority or frequently used channels. Or, for example, if you have seasonal content like "Christmas" or "Halloween" channels.

You can pin and unpin these channels as needed to ensure the most relevant content is always highlighted for your staff members.

Pinned channels will display their icon and title in the bottom navigation, allowing members to easily access them directly from their mobile devices.

How to Pin a Channel?

  • In Channels Studio, select the channel you want to pin and click the Pin button.

  • Once pinned, the channel will instantly appear in the bottom navigation on mobile devices.
  • To unpin the channel, simply click the Pinned button again, and the channel will be removed from the bottom navigation.

Customization and Limitations:

  • The number of channels you can pin depends on your settings, as the bottom navigation has 5 available slots, some of which are reserved for other system icons.
  • If you pin more channels than there is space in the menu, the channels with the highest rank will be the ones displayed. The ranking is determined by the order in which channels are sorted in Channels Studio; the higher on the list, the higher rank.
  • Even if a channel doesn’t have any live articles, it will still be visible for staff members.
  • The names of pinned channels in the bottom navigation will be truncated if they are too long. To avoid truncation, follow these guidelines:
    1. Keep the name as short as possible.
    2. Use as few words as possible.
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